Terminology and the Importance of Speaking the Same Language in Civil Rigging
In civil rigging, understanding terminology is essential for ensuring safety and efficiency on job sites. Every piece of equipment, whether it’s a hook, sling, or underhook attachment, serves a specific purpose, and using the right tool for the job is critical.
As Ralf Notheis from Bigfoot Academy notes, the difference between similar items, such as a shouldered and a shoulder-less eye bolt, can greatly impact a lift's safety. Rigorous knowledge of the correct equipment helps riggers maintain a secure work environment.
In addition to hardware, understanding underhook attachments and their safety factors is crucial. Each piece must display five key pieces of technical information, and riggers need to be familiar with these to ensure proper usage. Likewise, slings come in various types—chain, wire rope, and synthetic—each designed for specific tasks.
The Civil Rigging Course trains riggers to recognize the correct terminology and safely manage equipment, helping ensure that all workers return home safely.
To deepen your knowledge and improve job site safety, enroll in our Civil Rigging Course.